Living our life in Gracey, KY

Monday, May 30, 2011

Our Home

So we are renting a 3 bed one bath home in Ogden, KS. a very very small town.  but it is like 30 seconds from ft. riley so it is pretty convenient. The house is a pretty good size but it seems that we still have more stuff than we have places for!.  I believe we're gonna have a yardsale soon.... you know, when you get married you tend to have duplicates of things.  So...of course most of the stuff going is his...hehe. But we're doing pretty great.  The hardest thing to get use to is sleeping in the same bed...I snore and he I think so far we're doing pretty good at this marriage thing.

1 comment:

  1. Your house is so cute! It looks like the kitchen is the biggest room...I love it!
